The Suffolk Medical Biographies

The Suffolk Medical Biographies cover men and women practising medicine in its various forms in Suffolk from the eleventh century until 1900. To qualify for an entry, the person should have practiced (or at least have been apprenticed) in Suffolk during that period.

Dr David van Zwanenberg (1922-1991) started researching his biographies in the early 1970s, but unfortunately he died before he could finish editing the material. The completed biographies, together with van Zwanenberg's working notes and indices, were kindly donated to Suffolk Record Office's local studies library collection at Ipswich by his widow, Aldyth van Zwanenberg.

Robert MacNab, surgeon, Bury St Edmunds. He was also consultant physician to the Suffolk General Hospital from 1867 to 1895. This image is reproduced by permission of the Suffolk Record Office.
Robert MacNab (1842)

Robert MacNab, surgeon, Bury St Edmunds. He was also consultant physician to the Suffolk General Hospital from 1867 to 1895. This image is reproduced by permission of the Suffolk Record Office.

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The reference number of the original written material is- Suffolk Record Office (Ipswich): q.s.614, and the electronic database was compiled with the aid of grants from the following sources:

The Friends of the Welcome Library The Suffolk Family History Society The British Society for the History of Medicine The Gwen Dyke Memorial Trust Fund The Ipswich Medical Staff Committee Several other individual donors Any comments about the medical men and women whose names appear on this website should be made by e mail to the editor:

Charles Pantin Slaytor, surgical apprentice at Woolpit. This image is reproduced by permission of Professor Michael Slaytor.
Charles Pantin Slaytor (1821)

Charles Pantin Slaytor, surgical apprentice at Woolpit. This image is reproduced by permission of Professor Michael Slaytor.

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Suffolk Medical Biographies ©2024